
Accelerator: Career by Design

I have a signature programme “Accelerator: Career by Design”. This is a 4 to 6 months long journey that builds on the aspirations, strengths and potential of individuals who are a part of this process of self-discovery and purposeful actions.

What Is Accelerator?

Accelerator is a leadership development programme that aims to accelerate the pace of career progression of talented women leaders across the organization.
It will most benefit women with 8 to 15 years of professional experience.
Accelerator is a journey of self-discovery & thoughtful actions –

  • Of tapping into purpose,
  • Of identifying mental models that limit and reframing them to beliefs that empower and
  • Of sharpening the focus of participants on why and how to manage their careers strategically.
  • The journey comprises 4 Modules spread over 4-6 months.
  • Each module is of 2.00 to 2.30 hours, conducted online.
  • Each Module focuses on a separate aspect of career management which collectively come together to create a roadmap that fits the aspirations, strengths and potential of participants in a manner that feels most authentic to each individual.

Programme Outcomes

At the end of the development journey, participants of the Accelerator Programme will be able to-

Communicate their distinctiveness with confidence and clarity to relevant stakeholders internally as well as take definitive action towards building visibility externally.
Create an individualized, specific and actionable professional growth roadmap.